ঢাকা, শনিবার   ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪ ||  শ্রাবণ ১২ ১৪৩১

Businessmen don`t want hartals, blockades: Business leaders

Online Desk

প্রকাশিত: ০৯:৪৪, ৯ নভেম্বর ২০২৩  

ফাইল ছবি

ফাইল ছবি

Expressing grave concern over the ongoing blockade
programme being enforced by the BNP, country's businessmen today said that they do not want such programme which destroys the trade, commerce and
country's economy, rather they want to do business.

Businessmen came up with such observations at the national export trophy distribution ceremony held at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the capital

Speaking at the event as special guest, Mahbubul Alam, president of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), said, "We the businessmen don't want hartals and blockades. We want to do business.

He said the business community thinks that the economy of the country could fall under threat due to the ongoing blockade. "We're being affected for such
programmes," he added.

Noting that the cost of transportation of goods has increased due to the ongoing blockade, the chief of the country's apex trade body said, "The transport cost of one truck or van from Dhaka to Chattogram is around Taka 17,000, but due to the ongoing political programmes, this cost has been doubled to Taka 32,000. This additional cost is draining out the traders'
pockets and hence we're being affected."

Mahbubul Alam said that the FBCCI has already called for shunning the ongoing destructive political programmes by the opposition.

AK Azad, former president of FBCCI, and owner of the country's highest exporting industry, strongly criticized the ongoing political programmes by the opposition such as hartals, blockades and vandalism since these are damaging the economy.

The business community should protest such misdeeds, he said urging the current FBCCI president to unite the businessmen and traders and thus wage a
strong protest against such destructive acts by the miscreants.

The FBCCI President said that the businessmen have given a lot to the country over the last 50 years.

He mentioned that if there is a healthy and peaceful environment for doing business in the country, the businessmen will move the country forward.

Following their rally in the capital on October 28, the BNP-Jamaat nexus has resorted to arson, vandalism, torching of vehicles as well as public and
private properties in the name of hartals and blockades.
